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It is all but certain that water meters will now be rolled out across the country over the next couple of years, and all I can say is, it’s not before time.

Can you imagine not having to pay for your Gas or Oil? Why should water be any different?

I only hope that the government set out a strategic road map for this project and ensure it is carried out correctly. Introducing a flat rate charge will not help water conservation or help identify the major leaks in the domestic connections, meters and data is the only way these can be identified and repaired.

Looking at other European Countries where water charges are in place its clear to see water charges help substantially reduce household water use. People would also be proactive in conservation methods, such as using Rain Water Butts for Harvesting Water and installing water saving products such as; water displacement devices, aerators, water saving shower heads, etc…

Water is precious so we need to look after it. Reduce and Recycle.

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